I’m at loose ends today.
Do you ever have a day like that?
Everything seems to distract me.
I’m focused on wandering.
Moving from thing to thing.
I’m thirsty–can’t find my drink cup.
It’s red, with a straw,
Packing tape holds it together.
With a blue cozy on,
Even though it’s insulated.
I’ve dropped it it few times.
Why do I expect it to work like new?
Now, the top is hard to screw on.
Sometimes I get it right.
Then it doesn’t spill down my front.
It took me twenty minutes to get some tea
Out of the refrigerator because
On the way to the kitchen I remembered
That I needed to move the sprinklers.
Every three hours, getting wet in the act.
One in front, one in back
Just to save the shrubs and trees.
They look so sad from the drought.
When I pass the bird feeder
I see that it’s empty.
Around the house I go and into the garage
To find the bag of seed half-full.
Don’t forget to put it on the list.
As I walk back round, empty bag in hand,
I yank out a few tall weeds
That keep the hostas from getting a drink.
The leaves more brown and yellow than green.
Covered in sweat, better get out of this heat.
Don’t forget to grab some tea.
In the broken, red drink cup.
Where did I put it down?
I’m at loose ends today.