I’m redesigning my entire website, refocusing it on what I love to do and to write about: HORSES.
Don’t panic if you’re not a horse person. I’m hoping to find a community of people (or perhaps gather a new one) who just loves horses. You won’t need to know anything about horses to enjoy it. It’s not about “how to” but rather “why I love my life.”
In my future blogs, I’ll be talking about what it takes to care for horses and why the joy I experience is worth all the work.
Having a horse on our property, we’re responsible for everything from finding or raising hay (we do the later) to scheduling hoof trimming every six to eight weeks (longer gaps in the winter because their hooves grow slower in the cold), maintaining their environment (mending the barn and mowing the pasture), along with keeping their stalls mucked out takes more time, physical work and education then boarding a horse at someone else’s facility.
So why do I do all that if I don’t ride my horses anymore? I’ll be writing about that too.
Living with horses is a lifestyle that grows out of my spirituality, a connection to earth and all living things. An expression of that belief is my art.

Horses are included in my quilts, photographs, watercolors and clay sculpture surrounded by archetypes from Women’s Spirituality and nature up close. That art will appear in my blogs under the heading of TrotTownStudios (currently being transferred and redesigned from the older website of the same name).
This new vision of my website will take time as I accumulate new computer skills from WordPressLive, so I’m asking for your patience. More importantly, I’m saying stay tuned. Lots of good stuff is coming.